BB&B (Bought, Borrowed and Bagged) is a weekly meme hosted by Braine and Debbie @ Talk Supe where we share with you the books that we have bought, borrowed or bagged (won or gifted) plus a recap of the previous week's reviews, upcoming reviews, on going events and book movie or television news and The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It's a chance to share news; a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. As you can see I've decided to link on another weekly haul/wrap up meme because I'd like to start visiting some new blogs on the atmosphere and I find meme's are the best way to do so!

Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia, Gone by Michael Grant, Killing Floor by Lee Child and Dark Places by Gillian FlynnGuys I am far more than aware that I am on a book buying ban still but as I'm in a new city I needed a little happiness in book form and well our WHSmiths had "Buy one book, get one for £1" so I saved £12! Couldn't resits, and all four were on my wishlist before hand.

Being Jamie Baker and More Than Jamie Baker by Kelly Oram
I got both of these from the author herself, the second one an eARC for review and the first because I hadn't read that yet so yippeee another review boook too. I'm really excited about these.

City of Bones, City of Glass and City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare, It by Stephen King and The Power by Rhonda Byrne
All of these were birthday presents! The first four from my Dad and exactly what I asked for, the last from my Mum, she said its good?

Bad Boy Rock Star by Candy J. Starr and Memory's Wake by Selina FrenchThese are both for review for book tours, pretty excited for them.

This fortnight on Northern Plunder:
Review & Giveaway: The Wizard Tales by Red Tash
Wishlist Wednesday
Book Blast & Giveaway: Kinetic by S.K. Anthony
Book Q&A Tag
Reviews & Giveaway: By Blood and Moon Child by Tracy E Banghart
Cover Reveal: RecruitZ

Upcoming on Northern Plunder:
September Wrap Up
Jamie Baker Promotion
Wishlist Wednesday
No One's Angel Review
My Ex From Hell Review
"Attempting University"
Gargoyle Addiction Review
Burn Out Review

Lauren's Progress:
Read in 2013: 59 / 60
My Ex From Hell by Tellulah Darling
The Fault In Our Stars by John Green
Burn Out by Ruthie Knight
Currently Reading:
The Walking Dead Compendium by Robert Kirkman (6%)
Later with Myself by Sheryl Sorrentini (3%)
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater (5%)

News from Lauren:
Oh. My. God.
It's official, I'm living in a flat with four other students. I'm an actual student ha.
Who'd have thought?
I have my first lecture tomorrow and I'm already suffering with "Freshers Flu" and had a stomach bug last week too. Great going Lauren.
Anyway, aside from that I've explored my new city a lot and thoroughly enjoyed being an "old lady", hopefully I can tell you more about this whole student deal next week.
I've also been watching American Horror Story, its really creepy and weird but I'm loving it. A lot of the television shows I usually watch with my Dad have restarted but I'm still adjusting to find time for them all.
What about the Dexter finale guys? Oh my. I cried like a little girl!
Hope you have all had a good few weeks, I'll try and be more active now I'm settled in a little better.

Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia, Gone by Michael Grant, Killing Floor by Lee Child and Dark Places by Gillian FlynnGuys I am far more than aware that I am on a book buying ban still but as I'm in a new city I needed a little happiness in book form and well our WHSmiths had "Buy one book, get one for £1" so I saved £12! Couldn't resits, and all four were on my wishlist before hand.

Being Jamie Baker and More Than Jamie Baker by Kelly Oram
I got both of these from the author herself, the second one an eARC for review and the first because I hadn't read that yet so yippeee another review boook too. I'm really excited about these.

City of Bones, City of Glass and City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare, It by Stephen King and The Power by Rhonda Byrne
All of these were birthday presents! The first four from my Dad and exactly what I asked for, the last from my Mum, she said its good?

Bad Boy Rock Star by Candy J. Starr and Memory's Wake by Selina FrenchThese are both for review for book tours, pretty excited for them.

This fortnight on Northern Plunder:
Review & Giveaway: The Wizard Tales by Red Tash
Wishlist Wednesday
Book Blast & Giveaway: Kinetic by S.K. Anthony
Book Q&A Tag
Reviews & Giveaway: By Blood and Moon Child by Tracy E Banghart
Cover Reveal: RecruitZ

Upcoming on Northern Plunder:
September Wrap Up
Jamie Baker Promotion
Wishlist Wednesday
No One's Angel Review
My Ex From Hell Review
"Attempting University"
Gargoyle Addiction Review
Burn Out Review

Lauren's Progress:
Read in 2013: 59 / 60
My Ex From Hell by Tellulah Darling
The Fault In Our Stars by John Green
Burn Out by Ruthie Knight
Currently Reading:
The Walking Dead Compendium by Robert Kirkman (6%)
Later with Myself by Sheryl Sorrentini (3%)
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater (5%)

News from Lauren:
Oh. My. God.
It's official, I'm living in a flat with four other students. I'm an actual student ha.
Who'd have thought?
I have my first lecture tomorrow and I'm already suffering with "Freshers Flu" and had a stomach bug last week too. Great going Lauren.
Anyway, aside from that I've explored my new city a lot and thoroughly enjoyed being an "old lady", hopefully I can tell you more about this whole student deal next week.
I've also been watching American Horror Story, its really creepy and weird but I'm loving it. A lot of the television shows I usually watch with my Dad have restarted but I'm still adjusting to find time for them all.
What about the Dexter finale guys? Oh my. I cried like a little girl!
Hope you have all had a good few weeks, I'll try and be more active now I'm settled in a little better.