Saturday, 14 February 2015

Where have I been?

I met Laini Taylor last year, finally finished reading this

Hello and happy 2015.

Well that was a bit delayed but I hope this year has been treating everyone well.
I've had a few people wondering just exactly what happened to me, so many days passed when I wanted to put a hiatus post up but it never felt right.

As some of you may have noticed my reading significantly decreased last year, and eventually I just stopped. I tried encouraging myself that it was simply my university work taking over but ultimately I could no longer find joy in reading when I was so down myself.
I spent many months dwelling in unhappiness and not ready to face the reality of it or try and solve it, I finally did though throughout December and since then I've been focusing on myself and my own happiness, focusing on a better and brighter me.

It has been working. Self-care and self-love should never be frowned upon. I learned this the hard way.

2015 has been a much brighter year so far. I've started reading again and playing with the idea of blogging again. Oh and I'm single. Still feels odd to say that.
However I don't know whether to stay here and hope I'm not too out of touch with the followers and friends I had/have here, or to focus on using tumblr as the platform to book blog instead.
This is me now

Hopefully I'll get some replies here to help figure that out. 

All the best,