Thursday, 10 May 2012

10052012: Bout of Books 4.0 Goals

Bout of Books Read-a-Thon
Bout of Books is happening and soon - 14th to the 20th May. For those of you who don't know, it's a week long read-a-thon and is hosted by Amanda at On a Book Bender, for more information on the read-a-thon make sure you visit - and sign up - at Bout of Books.

Throughout the event I will be posting about it here, but also on twitter with the #boutofbooks tag. 

During the week I hope to get through 4 books, originally I had wanted 5 but with the family issues that I've spoken about I will be spending a lot of time in and out of hospital and generally being a good daughter and granddaughter.

I haven't really thought about what books I want to get through as it depends what I'm currently reading before the 14th. So for now I'm going to list 4 books that I'd like to get through but I may change them around nearer the time.

1. A Blood Seduction by Pamela Palmer
2. Specials (or Extras) by Scott Westerfeld
3. Lichgates by S. M. Boyce
4. Forgiving Trinity by Liz Reinhardt
and I'd like to make a start on A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin if I have the time.


  1. Four is a very good goal. The great part about Bout-of-Books is there is no pressure. Good luck and have fun!

    1. I know, its what attracted me too it. I mean hopefully I can get through more but theres no point rushing books and not enjoying them!

  2. Good luck and have fun reading your books, I need to start reading the George R.R. martin books where I left off someday lol.

    1. I'm trying not to take too long between them but cause of the size of them it puts me behind with other books that I am dying to read. Oh well, I love them loads.

  3. 4 books in a week while taking care of grand/daughterly duties will keep you hopping. Good luck!


    1. I know. I just hoping that if I stay locked away in my room with my nose in a book and only leaving for food, bathroom breaks and hospital visits then I'll be ok.

  4. I am signed up, and have a huge pile of books ready ..LOL

  5. 4 books is an excellent goal. Good luck!

  6. ooo i want to read all those novels by Scott Westerfeld too! They sounds and look so good!


    1. They are pretty good. I've been meaning to review the first two for a while but I decided to hold them back and do a full series review :)


  7. Great choices. I haven't read any of those, but they all look interesting. I've wanted to get around to reading the Uglies series for a while - I even bought the first book - but I just haven't found the time. Good luck!

    1. I seriously recommend doing so because even if you don't find them amazing because they're such short books!

  8. Good Luck! Clash of Kings is a long one. I still stare at A Game of Thrones and shudder but I will read it one day.

    1. I know it is, I've been watching the series too so I'm dying to be able to read the books to compare how much the series is sticking to the books. Its definitely a very good book :)

  9. Great choices for the read-a-thon. I would love to get started with the A Song of Ice and Fire series, seeing the tv show is so much fun!

  10. I didn't give myself a book goal, but 4 books seems totally doable! And yay for Martin!

    1. I'm kind of worried I should have just selected a books that I might want to read but my to be read list is incredibly long! I am dying to start book two.

  11. Great choices! I've been eying A Game of Thrones, but it seems so daunting, sitting on my shelves in its 900 page glory! Happy reading :)

    My Bout of Books Goals

  12. I love The Uglies Trilogy/Series. 4 books is a great goal. Happy Reading!

  13. My husband is just finishing up Clash of Kings - I would say it seems like he read it a lot faster than the first book.

    I hope you meet your goal :) Good luck!!

    1. Oh goodie, I look forward to starting.

      Good luck with yours too.

  14. Four books sounds like a good goal. Good luck with it! BTW, I love your header line - I am to misbehave. :)

    1. :) Good luck with yours too!

      Thank you, have you seen Firefly?


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