Tuesday 18 March 2014

Review: Shattered Veil by Tracy E Banghart

Shattered Veil by Tracy E Banghart

Published: 28th February 2014 by Tracy E Banghart
Genre: Young Adult / Science FictionSeries: The Diatous Wars #1
Page Count: 377
Format: eBook
Source: Author

Synopsis: When everything that defines you is stripped away, who do you become?
For Aris, a talented wingjet pilot, war means sacrificing everything: her home, her name, her face—and the one promise she swore she’d never break.

In the small village of Lux, everyone flies wingjets, but nobody flies them like Aris Haan. When she’s not dancing through the skies, she’s spending every minute with Calix, whom she’s loved since childhood. They plan to Promise, but instead he is sent to defend their dominion against a bloody invasion. Determined not to lose him, Aris follows, joining an underground network of women inside the male-only military. Using secret technology that allows her to pass as a man, she becomes “Aristos”, a Flyer in a search-and-rescue unit. 

As Aris grows stronger on the battlefield and more comfortable in her guise as Aristos, her personal mission becomes less and less clear. When she and her enigmatic commander, Major Vidar, uncover an astonishing conspiracy that could destroy everything, she must make a choice that will determine not only the fate of her heart, but the future of her dominion.
Purchase: Amazon UK* / Amazon US / Smashwords / TBD / B&N

Tracy E. Banghart:
 Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads
*When purchasing through this link, I will receive a small amount, once I have enough saved up I will put it towards a giveaway.

5 / 5 stars

I was fortunate enough to receive an early copy of Shattered Veil for review after being contacted by Tracy to see if I was interested, and with how her other books kept me so entertained I just had to agree. This will in no way effect my opinion of the book.

It took me a few days to find the time to fully invest into Shattered Veil but once I started I just couldn't stop.

Since finishing this book at almost 3am in late February I have written two short reviews, one an initial reaction to finishing the book on Goodreads which reads:

Oh my god. I love it. So much. 
I've enjoyed Tracys other books a great deal but I feel like this one just showed how much better she can write even though the others are great too but like woah okay it's 2:37am and I don't even want to sleep because this was just too good *squeals* I avoid war books because I don't like how real it is, which is why I enjoyed her paranormal-ish books so much but but but highly recommend."

The other I wrote on a tumblr to have it listed as my recommendation for next month that had to come under the genre of "New Beginnings" which we could interpret as we so wished, this read:

"Shattered Veil is a newly published book by Indie Author Tracy E Banghart, as well as the first in a new series, the story is about Aris as she makes some important decisions to follow the boy shes loves into a war to help defend her dominion - to do so she must start a new life disguised as a man. (#this is so much more than a love story #its about a strong female character who realises her new life #her new her #changes her for the better #and in result changes the world #changes her reason for fighting in the war #and just All round happy awesome powerful female characters #lots of feminism ideals here guys #super awesome)"

We have to keep our recommendation short so I went over into the tags to express how much I enjoyed this book.

(Once the post goes live with our New Beginnings recommendations I'll include a link here)

So now I'm sat here thinking I need to write an even better review that does this book even more justice for how much I adored it, but I'm afraid that I can't meet such a standard.

Aris is such a strong character from the very start, whether that is clear to all readers or not. Some may see her as naive and childish for having this perfect life planned out with her ~one true love~ when there is such a devastating war going on.

But isn't that how we all live before our eyes are opened?

And did you have to relearn to walk, and find a substitute for when you couldn't?

Well I don't know about you, but I didn't.

After facing reality that her and Calix couldn't be as perfect as they had hoped when he gets selected to head to fight the war as a Mender, she takes the only opportunity she has to be with him.

This means going under great training and secrecy to join the war efforts herself, as a flyer for search and rescue.

Only trouble, women aren't allowed to join the army but with cutting edge secret technology she is able to do just this, along with many other unknown women too.

So Aris becomes Aristos.

Whilst here she is faced with a lot changes in what she knows of the world, but also within herself. 

The development of Aris throughout the book is great and I love how true the whole word and scenarios feel!

An even greater plus is that Aris isn't the only strong female character, we also have part of the story told from another, older female character who is the leader of one of the dominions and has to go through a terrifying and painful ordeal too!

I can not express my love for this book enough, it just makes me so happy and excited to think back to every moment of it, that I can't wait to read it again in a few years but also that at some point we'll get a sequel where I can fall back in love with this world all over again.

I need to buy a copy to sit on my shelf amongst all my other favourite books.


  1. <3 Thank you so much for the kind words! I'm so so glad you enjoyed Shattered Veil! You're on my list for an early copy of the sequel too, just so you know. ;-)

    1. No worries, I'm only being honest! That is great news, thank you so much. I've just contacted you on twitter too about purchasing a copy :)

  2. I've seen this around and most, if not all, of the reviews I've seen are really good! Too bad I'm not much into this genre so I don't think I'll enjoy this book as much as you guys did.

    1. I wasn't sure I'd enjoy it either because I really hate war stories, too close to real life for me. But so much was happening that it distracted me from my hate and made me focus on all the positive aspects of the book.


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