Saturday 17 August 2013

Lauren's Bout of Books Goals & Updates

What is Bout of Books?
The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 19th and runs through Sunday, August 25th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 8.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team.

As I'm currently part way through a lot of books I decided that this week would be a good time to aim to finish these off, after listing my goals I'll show what books I'm part way through and the percentage or page read too! Apparently I became a messy reader these past few weeks! Haha. If I do take part in any challenges I will make new posts for those if needed, so this doesn't get too crowded. Good luck everyone. Don't forget my bestie, a newbie reader, is joining in too so check out Lewis' Goals and Updates post here.

Finish off or read fully at least 6 of the following books
Visit at least 3 other blogs a day
Participate in at least one twitter chat - #BoutOfBooks
Hopefully participate in 2 or more challenges

Darkly Dreaming Dexter (Dexter, #1) The Fault in Our Stars Later with Myself: The Misadventures of Millie Moskowitz The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle, #1) Mockingjay (The Hunger Games, #3) The Companions (The Sundering, #1) The Wizard Takes the Cake The Wizard Tales Vol I-III Anywhere Moon Child (By Blood #2)

Darkly Dreaming Dexter [re read]
The Fault in our Stars
Later with Myself
[review book]
The Raven Boys [audio book]
Mockingjay [re read]
The Companions [review ebook]

Wizard Tales Vol III [review ebook]
Wizard Tales Vol I - III 
[review ebook]
Anywhere [review ebook]
Moon Child [review ebook]



Wizard Tales Vol III: The Wizard Takes the Cake by Red Tash
Pages Read: 15

Wizard Tales Vol I-III: Lucian's First Trick and A Laurents County Landfill Christmas by Red Tash
Pages Read: 17

The Companions by R.A. Salvatore
Percentage Read: 8%

Overall Books Completed: 3
Overall Pages Read: 32 + 8%
You're probably wondering why I've listed them separately if one is included in the other. As the Wizard Tales are published individually too, I was marking off when I had read one of them and was going to mark off the bundle as read but without a date, but it includes two other short stories that aren't published on their own so that book is basically counting for those two!
All three short stories I've read today have been great, and so were the other two I read outside of the readathon.
As for The Companions, I've decided to temporarily dnf it. I'm finding that I've enjoyed about half of what I've read and the other half I'm confused, skimming and bombarded with names and places I don't have prior knowledge too. I'm going to pick up the overall series from the start and in paperback, I feel like this is one of those series that needs to be held and pages turned.
I also wrote up my review for The Companions, hopefully I can do the one for Wizard Tales tomorrow!
To see our challenge entries for today click here.


Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
Pages Read: 90
Overall Books Completed: 4
Overall Pages Read: 122 + 8%
Um that's it. That's all I read. I feel like I let myself down today but I read this out loud and man it really wrecked my voice, also it was my Dad's birthday so I was busy doing birthday stuff hooray.
I'm hoping tomorrow will be better but on the other hand whilst I haven't exactly read a lot, I'm well on my way to my goal of wanting to finish off a handful of books I was part way through!


Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay
Pages Read: 55
Overall Books Completed: 4
Overall Pages Read: 177 + 8%
Ah man, I really wanted to do better today but I'm slacking so badly. I feel so mentally exhausted sorting stuff out for University haha.


Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay
Pages Read: 64

Anywhere by J Meyers
Percentage Read: 7%
Overall Books Completed: 4
Overall Pages Read: 241 + 15%
So I decided one of my issues that might be why I'm slacking is because of the book I was reading - Dexter - sounds really bad because oh my god I love the book its just that cause its a reread I'm feeling impatient like ah I want it to be over, I want to be reading the second one but I need to read this cause I really don't remember anything but the ending haha.


Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay
Pages Read: 28

Anywhere by J Meyers
Percentage Read: 57%
Overall Books Completed: 4
Overall Pages Read: 269 + 72%
I guess my theory on the book worked because oh my god I couldn't put down Anywhere. I don't even like New Adult, Contemporary Romance books but I LOVE THIS its so good. It makes me all mushy hehe.


Anywhere by J Meyers
Percentage Read: 36%

Moon Child by Tracy E. Banghart
Percentage Read: 6%
Overall Books Completed: 5
Overall Pages Read: 269 + 114%
Holy fraking shit, I loved Anywhere so much! Guys you really need to go and grab a copy when it comes out next week okay? haha. I decided to also pick up another review book because I'm not really feeling the other books, I'll probably read some of Dexter before the day is up but as I'm writing this Moon Child is my first choice.


Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay
Pages Read: 38
Overall Books Completed: 5
Overall Pages Read: 307 + 114%
Wrap up post can be found here!


  1. You have much more ambitious reading goals than I, good luck with them! Also, half of the books on your list are on my to-read list, so I'm looking forward to your reviews. Have fun!

    1. Haha I normally turn out to have my goals rather low and then do much better so I tried with a more realistic one this time round. Thank you!

  2. The fault in our stars and Mockingjay are great read *_* Have a nice week:)

    1. Mockingjay is a reread for me and I'm almost done with it :D

  3. Good luck! You have quite a few books to keep you busy this week >.< Have fun! I really wanna read The Fault in our Stars and Raven Boys sounds good too!

    I'm doing Bout of Books as well.
    Dee @ Dee's Reads

    1. Yeah I'm not sure I'll get to TRB with it being an audio book, I've only listened to one before and I found it pretty difficult.

  4. I am a huge fan of the Drizzt series so I can't wait to see your review on it!!! In fact.. I suggest you read that one first. ;)

    My Bout of Books Goals

    1. Ahhhh I'm trying, I have no background knowledge and its really effecting the book :c

    2. I think it's best that you put down the Companions!

    3. Me too, thanks for the input. I've already written my review up but I'm pretty excited to start it from the top.

  5. Oooh, I like your reading list! I still haven't read The Fault in Our Stars OR the second two Hunger Games books, even though they all sound brilliant! I also have Darkly Dreaming Dexter somewhere on my shelves, and I KINDA want to read it before I dig into my sister's TV box set. MUST GET CRACKING. :D
    Happy reading this week, you're doing great so far already!

    Ellie @ Musings of a Bookshop Girl

    1. You really must, the series is great! I've read the first book before, A long time ago but needed to refresh my memory for the second.

  6. Yay you're reading TFIOS and Mockingjay!!!! So many feels lol. Good luck!

  7. I am reading Raven Boys right now! So far so good. I was really not a fan of Mockingjay, though. Something about it just bugged me.

    Lisa @Just Another Rabid Reader


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